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Starch Asia

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Starch Asia has extensive experience in producing super high quality, prime tapioca starch. Our starch is purchased to make high products in worldwide markets of Asia, Europe and the USA.

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Textile Industry

Textile Industry

The Textile Industry is one industry that is complicated and involved in using the cassava starch, in which the yarn that is used for merging must be moisturised with starch, the thread will become smooth, slippery, greasy and hairless. However, the starch acts as the lubricant to the yarn in order to prevent or stop the attachment of yarn throughout the movement of the weaving emerge. Moreover, in the procedure of printing patterns, starch will face or countenance the uniform textile design and with the use of cassava starch in merging, some factories choose or prefer expending modified starch, which is imported from abroad, in the textile project as it has more suitable features. However, factories in Thailand have underway to produce modified starch from cassava starch.

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